2012 Conference Recap + Session Handouts!

The 2012 might have been our best conference yet! Record attendance, inspiring keynotes, resourceful exhibitors, interesting session choices, a beautiful location and of course, wonderful attendees.

Some top moments included Mawi…everything, adult learners reading their essays from the 2012 Essay book, State Literacy Awards Winners and watching part of Sarah Entine’s film, Read Me Differently.

We also had a lovely photographer, Ashleigh Marie, who took several wonderful photos of the event. They’ll be uploaded to our Flickr account very soon, but in the mean time, check out this sneak peek on our facebook!

There were several great presentations! Here are handouts from a few who have already sent me them. This list will be updated as more presenters email me their handouts. So if you presented at this past conference, share  your wealth of information with other literacy enthusiasts!

PBS-So much more than Sesame Street!
Gail Taylor, WEDU
PBS Fact Sheet
PBS KIDS Online Anytime
American Graduate
PBS Teacher Resources – Florida PBS Learning Media

Social Media: Marketing Made Easy
Annie Schmidt, Florida Literacy Coalition
Social Media Handout
Social Media Presentation