Literacy Month and George Stone Technical Center

George Stone Adult Education Programs celebrated Adult and Family Literacy Month on Thursday, September 13, 2012.  The celebration began with Susan Winters, Adult Education Coordinator, reading Governor Scott’s proclamation which stresses the need for highly literate citizens and the importance of lifelong learning.

Then Julie Gonzalez, local author, shared with the students her love for writing and the history of how she knew she was to become an author.  Mrs. Gonzalez writes novels for young adults and has three published books:  Wings, Ricochet, and Imaginary Enemy (all edited by Francoise Bui of Delacorte Press).  You may find more information about her and her books at  A special thank you goes to Barnes and Noble for their gift of books to be given as door prizes.

The Adult Education Program with the Escambia County School District is now located on the campus of George Stone Technical Center and includes the Adult Academy and ABE/GED Classes. Additional ABE/GED and ESOL classes are offered at various locations throughout Escambia County.


For more information, you may contact Susan Winters, District Adult Education Coordinator, or Lydia Henderson, Literacy Coordinator, at George Stone Technical Center (850) 941-6200.